Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Pong but not forgotten

Another night, another game of goon pong. Unsurprisingly my resolve weakened and my plan to have a sober night fell to pieces by around 7pm. So, after the entire hostel had finished watching The Notebook in the common room, we got our pong on. We also dabbled in a cheeky bit of flip cup (here's a hint, you have to flip your cup) and one of the girls called michelle turned out to be a rage machine when it came to drinking games.

I met a load of new people and, after the obligatory game of goon pong, we all went out to a nightclub called The Gaff. It was a cool club with a huge basement bar, and there were topless dance competitions and wet t-shirt contests going on all the time. Hedonism thy name is Gaff. I also seem to have been dubbed 'Tiger' as I've got tiger stripes in my hair and there are two Daves in our little posse.

I've been enlisted to design a tattoo for one of the guys here, so I did a little bit of sketching last night and will continue today once the hangover receeds a bit. Later on i'm going surfing wth my roommates and in the evening I will be meeting up with cousin Gab to go on a ghost tour around the rocks!

Overly Hung

I arose this morning with a pounding headache and a mouth that felt like it had played host to a sand appreciation convention. The reason for this, of course, being the incredible amount of goon imbibed by myself the previous evening (or prevening) while playing a game called goon pong. Basically the same as beer pong, goon pong can be a pretty deadly game, especially when you're half cut to begin with. The aim of the game is to throw a ping pong ball into the opposing teams cup, which are partially filled with goon, whereupon said opponant has to drink the contents of the cup.Despite winning the first game I ended up wasted before we even left the hostel. After the goon ponging we all headed out to a club called Soho and had a bit of a boogie, then a few of us decided to go to another club. As we were walking down the strip I thought I recognised one of the girls on the door of one of the clubs, as it turned out I had gone to college with her in Grimsby 5 years ago! Small world agogo!

Anywho, after battling my way through breakfast, at midday, I decided to go and see the sights, so I trundled off into the city to kick it tourist style. I saw the botanic gardens, populated by approximately a jillion bats, the sydney opera house and harbour bridge and all sorts of other exciting stuff. I then returned to Chili Blue to colapse once more and chill. Early night tonight methinks, as I'm going surfing at 9am tomorrow.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Easy like monday afternoon

So i'm in a brand new city and should be out reaping the benefits that this coastal haven has to offer. I am not. I'm still feeling a little bit worse for wear after my train journey so I've been resting up ready for tonight; There's a plan to go out to a club called 'Soho' tonight which should be fun.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Penthouse baby!

So my room finally became available and into it I bounded, whereupon I met the first of my new roommates ; Ana from Denmark. She's is travelling with her boyfriend and they've been having an antipodean adventure for the last 8 months. Everyone I meet seems to have been travelling for quite a while, making my 6 months jaunt around Aus seem modest in comparison.

The room is nice, if a little small, and it's exciting to be back on the road and in a new city, especially as I haven't really spent much time in Sydney as an adult. Mario (possibly not his actual name but it definitely starts with an 'm'), my other roomie has ambitions towards the surf, so I may try and enlist him for a surf sometime.

Penthouse baby!

So my room finally became available and into it I bounded, whereupon I met the first of my new roommates ; Ana from Denmark. She's is travelling with her boyfriend and they've been having an antipodean adventure for the last 8 months. Everyone I meet seems to have been travelling for quite a while, making my 6 months jaunt around Aus seem modest in comparison.

The room is nice, if a little small, and it's exciting to be back on the road and in a new city, especially as I haven't really spent much time in Sydney as an adult. Mario (possibly not his actual name but it definitely starts with an 'm'), my other roomie has ambitions towards the surf, so I may try and enlist him for a surf sometime.

Home and away from home

So I have finally managed to get into the hostel, my room won't be ready until 11am but i'm definitely happy to be in the hostel. I'm just sitting in the common room at the moment, on one of the millions of futon-esque seats, wondering what to do with my day. This rain os stillpouring down but I've decided that rain or not I am going to go surfing while I'm in Sydney.

Back to the point

After an extremely lengthy interlude in Melbourne I have finally hit the road again, and as such, I figure I may as well start using this blog as it was originally intended; as a travel journal type thing. So here goes!

I jumped on my train from Sydney to Melbourne at 8pm last night, with high hopes of a nice lengthy sleep to help pass the 12 hours i was to spend in transit. No such luck! After a week of late nights, and even later mornings, I found myself unable to drift into slumberland, leaving me stranded in the land of the conscious. Strange though it may seem, the hour and a half sleep I managaged on the train has not left me feeling especially bright eyed not bushy tailed (although the latter is perhaps a relief. You have to wonder how a decent night's sleep can prompt one to sprout a tail, bushy or otherwise), and as a testament to my lack of preparation for this little jaunt to Sydney, I arrived at the train station only to realise I had not, in fact, written down the address of my hostel. So a quick call to my father, and one very confused cabbie (it turns out my hunch about where the hostel might be was entirely wrong), later I touched down on Victoria street. The weather was fresh, or to put it in a more British way, wetter than a badger in the mist. Nevertheless I had arrived and relief abounded, unfortunately my relief may have been premature, mcuh like myself, as I had arrived at the hostel an hour before it opened.

So here I sit, freshly squeezed orange juice in hand, recounting my tale to you while I await the recumbent staff off Chilli Blue backpackers. All hail Joe's Cafe for being open at 8am on Anzac Day. With any luck once i've booked in to my room and set the world to rights, in the common fashion of breakfasting and showering, I'll make my way in to town to watch the Anzac Day parade. Either that or my bad luck may continue and rain will prevent play.